Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hekmat ya hedayat,masale kodaam ast?

Khob shokre khoda inja hame aaghelan va ekhtyar dashtane ensaan dar haddi ke majboor be pasokh gooei beshe va hesaab o eghaab beshe ro ghabool daran.
lotfan har ki bahs ro edame mide dige badan dobare rooin mozoo eshkali vared nakone ke alan dare. age eshkale jadid ijad she eybi nadare vali alaki kasi nage khoob hala berim jolo ta bebinim chi mishe! injoori be hich ja nakhahim resid. lotfan age moshkel hast matrah she ta gaam be gaam jlo ke mirim ye chizi dastemoon byad. mamnoon

be nazar mirese ke behtare az inja shoroo konim:
Khoda hakim ast ya na? daghightar begam yani inke aalem ast ya na va az in elmash estefade mikonad ya na? in ro age javab bedim mas'aleye hedayat behtar hal mishe ishalla.
movafeghin? nazar bedid.

ya hagh


At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chand ta harf daram,
1.Man aslan fekr nemikonam ke in systeme gam be game shoma chize khoobi bashe.Behtare har ki har chi delesh mikhad bege amma kamelan ma'loom bashe ke che farzi dare va be che hokmi mirese.Albate ghat'an harf ha bayad be bahse fe'li ya bahshaye ghabli no'i ertebat dashte bashe va in ertebat ham tavassote nevisande zekr beshe.dalile in harfi ke zadam ro age alan nemidoonin,kam kam ke blogetoon pirtar beshe mifahmin.
2.Pishnahad mikonam ke che post ha va che commentha be shiveyee riazi tar bayan beshe va kamtar be ta'arofat va harfhaye far'i begozarad va har post ya comment faghat dar morede yek theorem(gozareyi ke dorostiye aan ba estedlal sabet shode ast)ya so'al bashad,dar gheir e in soorat ba shomare gozari, masa'el az ham tafkik shavad.Omidvaram manzooram ra tavaneste basham begooyam.
3.baraye javab be so'ali ke matrah karde'id bayad ebteda did ke ta'rife shoma az khoda chist.Masalan man ta'rifam yek vojoode bi had hast az har nazar.ba in ta'rif agar khoda hakim nabashad in baraye khoda mahdoodiat ast ke ba ta'rifi ke man az oo kardam moghayerat darad.
4.Yek so'al dar morede jabro ekhtiar.Bebakhshid ke englishe.

I know what I do is by my choice.

This is a sentence to prove "jabr":When a child is born,he has some properties and tendencies that he acts based on them and his environment.Neither these properties and tendenceies nor his environment have been chosen by the child.His properties and tendencies might change as a result of his environment(that is not by his choice) ,and his environment might change itself.Over all of his life what he is doing is the result of his environment at the time, and his tendencies and properties that are his childhood properties and tendencies which had been affected by his environment through the time.So what we are was not our choice.

How do you defend from our option and choice?

Ba hal bashid,

At 4:16 AM, Blogger کوروش said...

Ali agha salam
pishnahadhat khoob bood. man ye kam say kardam injoori bashe: shomare gozarieh bahsha va commentha (sokhan aval, bahs aval...) vali bayad behtar beshe.
mesle inke yek kam tooye bahse aval moondim. baghie javabet ro tooye safheye asli minevisam ke hame rahat bekhoonan.
inja bargard va ozv besho (email lazem daram). khoshhal mishim.

Hamid jaan
ba mozooi ke matrah mikoni mokhalefam. avalan engar hanooz baziha bahse mokhtar boodan ro ghabool nadaran va soaalhaye khoobi mikonan (mesle Ali) ke man ham badam nemiad javabe khoobi barash peyda konam.
dovoman oonhai ke inja khoda ro ghabool daran dar hakim boodanesh shak nadaran. age hakim nabood ke khoda nabood.

shad o saalem o khandaan bashid


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